News and Events

20th November 2023

Kick-off meeting of ECOMO

Our project ECOMO, celebrated its success in acquiring grant funding from the European Union (EU) and European Innovation Council (EIC), by kicking off on 20th November 2023. All the participants of ECOMO gathered online to celebrate this success. In an informal setting, the participants got to know each other. Each beneficiary enthusiastically presented their tasks to be done during the upcoming project period. A stage was set with the actors well-versed with their scripts, looking towards the future with a glimmer in their eyes!


21-25 February 2024

Gas Fermentation Conference

ECOMO was one of the case studies presented by Associate Professor Dr. H. Gavala from DTU, at the Gas Fermentation Conference, which took place in the beginning of 2024 at Heron island, Australia. The conference brought academia and industry together and targets at advancing the field of gas fermentation for creating a new Industry. The event was organized jointly by University of Queensland, Wageningen University, KAIST and Lanzatech. For more information on this conference and the abstract of Dr. Gavala’s talk, visit

4-5 June 2024

Conference: “Harnessing Renewables for a sustainable future”

Nicolas Plumeré and Hemlata Agarwala participated in the Solar-to-X event organized and hosted by the European Innovation Council (EIC) on 4-5 June 2024 at EnergyVille in the beautiful city of Genk, Belgium.

More than 130 participants, including scholars, start-up founders, industry experts, policymakers, and investors from both Europe and the US, convened to explore the latest developments—from groundbreaking research to commercially viable technologies. The event featured a variety of activities such as presentations, panel discussions, pitch sessions, and open forums, covering the entire innovation spectrum—from academic discoveries to scaling technologies and their integration into current energy systems. It provided a unique opportunity to foster discussions and inspire new ideas about the future role of CCU, Power-to-X, and Solar-to-X technologies in Europe’s energy landscape.

Professor Plumeré delivered an invited talk showcasing the EIC Pathfinder Challenge Portfolio “Carbon and Nitrogen management and valorisation” and our project ECOMO, one among the eight projects of the Portfolio. Dr. Agarwala pitched a proposal on Solar-to-X technology in the session “Innovation Training Course” conducted by the EIC Programme Manager, Francesco Matteucci.

For more information, look at the following publication from the EU publications office:

European Commission: European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency, The future of Solar-to-X – Harnessing renewables for a sustainable future, Publications Office of the European Union, 2024,

18-20 June 2024

KT Consortium Annual Meeting

In June 2024, PhD student Berivan Tunca from DTU, held an oral and a poster presentation on adapting microbial consortia to CO in a Trickle Bed Reactor in the frame of WP5 of ECOMO during the discussion meeting of the industrial consortium of DTU Chemical Engineering (KT consortium). KT Consortium is an industry-academia collaboration where members are provided with networking opportunities and state-of-the-art methods and tools for chemical and biochemical engineering. On the first day, the meeting attendees visited the Pilot Plant facility at DTU. The Pilot Plant focuses on unit operations, reaction engineering, process control, process and plant design, instrumentation, automation and industrial measuring technology, scale-up and scale-down, from batch to continuous processing. Main activities are based on the path from laboratory scale to pilot scale experimental processes with a strong focus on industrial practice across chemistry, biotechnology, food, pharma and energy. Educational activities focus on practical large scale unit operations including fermentation. Students and researchers also got the opportunity to interact with representatives from industries like Baker Hughes, bp, AVEVA, Hafnium labs, ESSS during the meeting.

10th June 2024

7-month anniversary of the project ECOMO

ECOMO celebrated its 7-month mark since its inception in November 2023 by gathering at its partner TUM’s campus in southern Germany on 10th June 2024, as the rains flushed the corn fields green. Despite the flooding of the river Danube, all participants arrived safely in Straubing and experienced an impressive day with many new insights and valuable discussions. Partners from each work package presented their current status, and various synergies between the individual project partners were highlighted once again. The participants closed the day with a typical Bavarian dinner and interesting discussions.

ECOMO team
Image credit: Kannasoot Kanokkanchana

11th June 2024

ECOMO organizes a symposium titled "Carbon and Nitrogen Valorization: Sustainability in Focus".

Hosted by: Dr. Hemlata Agarwala and Prof. Nicolas Plumeré
Venue:  Technical University of Munich (TUM), Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability, Uferstraße 53, 94315 Straubing, Germany


Date: June 11, 2024
5 Invited Speakers from Denmark, France, Germany and Belgium.
ECOMO symposium 11 June 2024 Information 1st Page
ECOMO symposium 11 June 2024 Agenda

For more information, check out the Abstract Book that we have created for you! ECOMO symposium_11thJune 2024_AbstractBook


To download the abstract book, click on the link ECOMO Symposium – 11thJune 2024 – AbstractBook

The day was filled with scientific talks of high-level with visionary ideas and tangible solutions for the future of carbon dioxide and nitrogen valorisation. In addition to that, the insightful lecture from Dr. Francesco Matteucci, the Program Manager of the Portfolio from the European Innovation Council (EIC), on how to create a business from research results with a hands-on portfolio approach, left everyone wanting for more! We can undoubtedly call the event a huge success! Here are some photos from this event.

Photos credit: Jan Winter @TUM

20-23 August 2024

10th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass valorisation

In August 2024, PhD student Berivan Tunca from DTU, presented her research results obtained within WP5 of ECOMO during the 10th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorization, which took place in Sendai, Japan. WasteEng is an international biannual conference series that take place the last 20 years and promotes Research & Innovation in Waste and Biomass Valorization. The conference takes place over 3-4 days and hosts 350-450 people from all around the globe. The event targets researchers and academics of all levels who perform research for waste and biomass valorization, including CO/CO2 rich gas streams, within a broad array of scientific fields, i.e. biological conversions, thermal processing, gas emission and remediation from incineration and combustion, catalytic processes and construction materials from wastes. Associate Professors Dr. H. Gavala and Dr. I. Skiadas from DTU, graciously chaired multiple sessions during the conference. For more information on the conference and talks, visit

18th November 2024

Annual gathering of the project ECOMO

ECOMO celebrated its 1-year mark since its inception in November 2023 by gathering its partners online on 18th November 2024. All participants experienced an intense, but productive day with many new insights and valuable discussions. Partners from each work package presented their current status, and various synergies between the individual project partners were highlighted once again. As the project experiences geometric progression, the day ended with an illuminating hope for the success of our project. Stay tuned!

Annual Project Meeting of ECOMO - 18-11-2024

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